Paolo Ottolino speaker alla SECON – Annual International ISC2 Chapter Conference

Il prossimo 6 dicembre, alle 17:50 ora italiana, il nostro socio fondatore nonché membro del comitato direttivo Paolo Ottolino terrà un discorso alla seconda conferenza internazionale dei capitoli di ISC2 SECON, dove interverranno una ventina di speaker da diversi capitoli di ISC2 sparsi nel mondo.

L’intervento di Paolo riguarderà i Design Shutters – Element of Reusable Security in Application Development:

Design Shutters provides a framework of 21 Reusable Security Objects that you can take advantage of to ensure complete software protection, right from the early stages of software development. It provides a model for addressing security issues throughout the Application LifeCycle (Development, Delivery, Deploy, Maintenance, Decommissioning).
The genesis of the model occurred using the same approach as the excellent “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”, from 1998.
The security shutters are arranged in a framework of 4×5 + 1, allowing for proper classification:
– 4 levels of abstraction: Business, Architecture, Composition, Coding
– 5 types of actions (each with its number of elements): Identify (6), Evaluate (3), decide (4), Act (5), DevOps (2)
Plus a Security Governance Shutter about Key Indicators

L’evento è sold out, ma si ci può registrare per ricevere una copia delle registrazioni.