Faenza 20 September 2022

Title “Hooking, Winged Dragons and CyberTreath Intelligence: Ransomware and Criminals Soar Thanks to Public Bug Bounty Processes… and you CISO what are you doing, do you stay on the ground with your nose up?”
Abstract: “The recent global crises have shown how much information technology is part of our daily lives and how much security is lacking. We are still far from a widespread cyber culture, indeed this appears to most as a winged dragon, unreachable, with great magical powers that roams the world.
Among its powers we find that of defending us from hooking and from the increasingly popular ransomware that try to attack our companies.
In this scenario, we will discover together who our allies are, why they defend our company and how they do it.
With only one possible ending … learning not to be upside down hoping that the dragon will notice us and worry about us too.”
Biography: Petra Chistè is graduated in Statistics and with a Master in Security, always passionate about digitalization and IT security, with UNI 10459 certification as a security expert.
Head of Security for Volksbank, a regional bank based in Bolzano and operating in the Triveneto area.
The professional path has allowed to acquire strong skills in the management of IT incidents and business continuity, paying particular attention to the needs of the business and at the same time to data protection. She is (ISC)2 Italy Chapter member since 2018 where is member of the Working Group of Security Awareness for the schools and held the role of vice Project Leader and author of whitepaper “Il Ransomware”.
Mother of four children in four completely different age groups, thanks to which she understood how important the diffusion of digital culture is. A culture that allows you to create a climate of trust in technologies together with a healthy critical sense in their use. For this reason, it is often a sponsor of digital education initiatives aimed at younger age groups, convinced that specific training from childhood allows children, but also the system itself, to mitigate the typical risks of the cyber world.